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Hi, I'm Thierry Jean 👋 I'm a core contributor and developer advocate for the open source dataflow framework Hamilton. I'm currently a contractor for the startup DAGWorks.

I completed a research Master's in Computational medicine at Université de Montréal. forecast impairments of psychiatric patients based on their smartphone sensor data. I apply exciting new methods for ordinal regression (CORN) and explainability (TimeSHAP) with RNNs to create tools for care providers. I implemented efficient ML experimentation with AWS, Metaflow and Weights&Biases.

I'm also instructor assistant at Sphere 🔮, which offers live courses to tech professionals. I worked with leading expert in causal inference, NLP, and search to deliver courses with actionable learning outcomes 🎯

⏳ During my data science internship at MoovAI, I worked on dynamic price bidding for the ad exchange ShareThrough. During R&D, I built the experimentation system for large scale automated backtesting of candidate algorithms.

Hobby-wise, I code for fun to create algorithmic and plotter art, I started playing guitar at age 11, and I own way too many rogue-lite games.