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PDF Summarizer

Here's an extensible and production-ready PDF summarizer that you can run anywhere! The frontend uses streamlit, which communicates with a FastAPI backend powered by Hamilton. You give it a PDF file via the browser app and it returns you a text summary using the OpenAI API. If you want, you skip the browser inteface and directly access the /summarize endpoint with your document! Everything is containerized using Docker, so you should be able to run it where you please 🏃.

The ingestion and retrieval steps are implemented as dataflows with Hamilton and are exposed via FastAPI endpoints. The frontend is built with Streamlit and exposes the different functionalities via a simple web UI. Everything is packaged as containers with docker compose.

Languages, Technology, and Tools

  • Python
  • Hamilton
  • OpenAI API (ChatGPT)
  • Docker
  • Streamlit

Blog post: Code: