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Voice Assistant

This project leverages the multilingual speech-to-text model Whisper from OpenAI. The model is loaded on a websocket server. The connected client sends an audio input stream and receives text transcriptions. If the predefined keyword is found, the following words are parsed to find a registered command using fuzzy matching. If there's a match, the command is executed on the client device.

A command is an arbitrary Python function. The name of function (separated by underscores _) is what needs to be uttered to trigger the command. Words spoken after the command name are parsed as function arguments. Additional commands can be added to Python modules.

📑 NOTE. This project is pre-ChatGPT.

Design choices​

  • Client-server architecture. Allows a client with limited resources to leverage speech-to-text (smartphone, remote, dev board). Clients can share a server, and a client could potentially trigger commands on another client.

  • Low-latency requirements. Chunk the audio stream into reasonable size to transcribe with good accuracy and reduce latency. Use async, websockets, and threads to have non-blocking operations on the client while the server transcribes audio.

  • Structured commands. The opiniated structure removes the problem of natural language understanding, which allows for faster development of new commands

  • Modular commands. The modular organization of commands allows to ship a core app without bloating, and to make user-created commands easy to share

  • Few dependencies. thefuzz is a quality of life and could be reimplemented; the SpeechRecognition is a bit messy, but has nice features to ignore ambient noise

Languages, Technology, and Tools​

  • Python
  • OpenAI Whisper (local model)
  • Async
  • Websockets
  • Threads
  • Fuzzy matching


Server snippet
import asyncio
import base64
import json
import websockets

import numpy as np
import whisper

MODEL_NAME = "small.en"
LANGUAGE = "english"

async def server_handler(websocket):
model = whisper.load_model(MODEL_NAME)

async for message in websocket:
event = json.loads(message)
assert event["type"] == "audio_input"

audio_bytes = base64.b64decode(event["data"].encode("ascii"))
data = np.frombuffer(audio_bytes, np.int16) \
.flatten() \
.astype(np.float32) / 32768
result = model.transcribe(data, language=LANGUAGE)
except Exception as e:
event = {"type": "error", "data": str(e)}
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event))

event = {"type": "transcript", "data": result["text"]}
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event))

async def main():
async with websockets.serve(server_handler, "localhost", 8001):
await asyncio.Future()

if __name__ == "__main__":